By now you’re aware of the need for a strong online presence. After all it IS how today’s consumer seeks information and who to do business with. Do you choose to DIY your digital marketing or trust an expert?
Certainly there are things you can do on your own such as social media posts, online business listings, paid ads etc. However, most owners are far too busy to fully tackle the digital landscape. Not to mention digital is more than posts or paid ads on social, business listings or a new website. The majority of businesses are better served by hitching to the post of a strong digital marketing partner.
Finding a good digital partner is important. We’ve established the online universe is key to growth. Having the right partner can help you soar, having the wrong partner can set you back while your competition blazes forward.
Below are a few questions to ask when interviewing potential digital partners:
How long have you been doing this?
This is important because digital marketing is very detailed and requires experience. Digital marketing is more than social media and search engine optimization. With experience comes wisdom. (Obviously) Everyone has to start somewhere, evaluate whether a brand new agency is the right fit for you.
What’s your background?
Look for someone with a background in marketing. Why? Marketers understand the importance of visibility, content and messaging. “Tell me about some campaigns you’ve created?” “What did you do prior to this, were you in marketing?” (You get the idea! Know who you’re working with).
Do you recommend similar strategies to all of your clients?
This is a trick question! If the agency you’re speaking with says “Yes, most of our clients do XYZ,” think twice about hiring them. Digital isn’t a one size fits all. Every client we work with has a unique strategy, just as every client is unique. While you want an agency that understands what works, you don’t want to be put on a standard package.
What results can I expect?
Look for an open and honest answer. Anyone who promises you the moon should give you pause. While digital marketing is highly impactful, magic results don’t happen overnight. When we meet with clients we establish very real expectations from the traffic they can expect to see on their website, to the number of calls, to how quickly we can advance them in organic search.
How often can I expect to hear from you?
You shouldn’t expect to hear from your digital marketing partner daily. Some agencies will do a pulse check / review once a month, which should be the minimum. We touch base with our clients twice a month, once mid-month to give a quick progress report, and at the end of the month to evaluate the month’s performance, seek improvements and continue gains. And of course we are always a phone call, text or email away.
Do you have references?
An experienced digital agency will have clients you can contact for a reference.
These questions will get you started. At the end of the day, listen to your gut. Finding a digital agency these days isn’t hard, finding the right digital agency is challenging, but possible!