It all started when I discovered @em_henderson on Instagram. I’m not exactly sure how I found her. She may have been a suggested follow, or perhaps one of my friends followed her. Regardless, with a single click her posts began to fill my personal feed.
As a lover of all things style, home remodeling and décor, her vibe was my vibe. I found myself loving all of her posts. Mere days into her photos filling my Instagram feed, she posted a pic of a sofa she was considering for her home. I loved it! I wanted it! Thanks to the tag, I immediately linked up with the retailer. Interior Define. No, this isn’t an endorsement. However, it speaks to the power of a trusted influencer.
Interior Define, could’ve potentially put their brand in front of me utilizing traditional methods for a substantial period of time before I would’ve ever noticed. Research suggests consumers must be reached at least 7 x’s with a message before taking action. This is referred to as the rule of 7. I on the other hand, went to the retailers page after being exposed just once.
The idea of product endorsement isn’t new. We’ve heard familiar voices on the radio, seen famous actors on screen and admired our favorite celebs in magazine ads for years. However, the latest influencers we’re taking buying cues from has shifted to a type of endorsement that’s seemingly more “Authentic”. Increasingly, our introduction to new products and services comes from social media influencers.
Curious how to connect with an influencer? For most you’ll find contact information directly on their web / blog page. Influencer agencies are also a great resource. Influencers are looking to be compensated for their recommendation of your product or service. Most often this means cash, but some do accept trade.
Is working with an influencer right for your brand? The possibility deserves serious consideration. Consumers respond favorably when presented with a product or service by an influencer. This is largely due to the authentic nature in which most influencers feature offerings AKA "The lifestyle approach". Followers don’t feel sold. All influencers are different and unique to the audience they serve. Partner with an influencer who’s style and personality closely aligns with your brand.
P.S. I totally ordered the Ms. Chesterfield in oxford blue!