Today is one of those days. Big bun on the top of my head, laptop, coffee and a to-do list a mile long. Hello Monday, am I right? Thankfully, 2021 brings with it new office digs, which means…. You guessed it, new furnishings. Where do I turn for inspiration? Online of course. From blogs to popular retail sites, let the shopping begin!
Savvy retailers know just what I’m looking for and they find me based on sites I already chose to visit. Sites I found through search. They even know the exact style of furniture I’ve been eyeing. The even savvier retailers I’ve visited (online) know I’ve been to their site and they entice me to return with ads of the exact product I was eyeing. The fun website re-targeting ads we are all familiar with.
All the marketing is happening to me right here on a Monday morning at my desk. And it’s working! I’m taking notice and responding. I learned I do need new sheets, although not right now as I must stay focused on the new office space. But thank you Brooklinen for exposing me to your product and providing possibly the best education on sheets and thread counts E-V-E-R! I’ll be back for those.
I’m loving my new finds. The moral of this bun in the office saga is your potential clients are out there just like me. Maybe they have a messy bun, maybe they’re in line for coffee or maybe they’re at work taking a moment for some “personal research” (Aka shopping). Perhaps they're looking for a new dermatologist or researching local real estate listings. Will they find Y-O-U when searching an area related to what you have to offer?
At U Aspire Digital we take pride in helping you be the new “Find” online. Showing up requires the help of a solid digital partner. So if you need one reach out! We’d love to chat with you.
OK...Back to office prep 2021!